
Monday, August 16, 2021

Tree Of Life - Narrative Writing


As I planted the tree into the rough damp ground the earth shook I felt a high pitched tone travel through my ears as I slowly got to my feet.

Suddenly I fell out of my hallucination and felt the slippery moss planted beneath me. I felt ice cold wind blowing across my face as I stood up to catch my balance standing on the sharp pointed rocks. I imagined how I got here white light beamed into my eyes as I suddenly remembered the tree was it real or was it simply just a figure of my imagination.

I sat on a split tree stump to catch my breath. I knew it was inevitable that the tree would fall into the wrong hands if I didn't retrieve it. Was it worth searching for something I didn't know was real.

If it was, I needed to find it so I decided to start my search. After hours of searching my legs ached, my arms were heavy and the tree was nowhere to be seen. Right when I was giving up I tripped over a rock and found myself lying on the ground. 

That's when in the corner of my eye I saw the tree. I leapt to my feet and ran to it I picked it up I felt rushing water run down my hands I could feel the thin roots in between my fingers I planted the tree into the ground just like in my hallucination, then as I felt the sharp tone travel through my ears I finally woke up from my dream.  

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