Waiting to perform,I was soooo nervous I wanted to run away.I got a glimpse of the audience it was huge. My heart skipped a beat what am I going to do!!! I waited and waited finally the first speakers spoke then the play started. Arahia tsood up to speak as she finished the kelp put on there sunglasses and started to dance to the music. Everyone was giggling and dancing.But as the music stopped butterflies came back to my stomach. Time flied as fast as flash. I started to feel sick then I realised its nearly my turn Ahh! I could see bright fluro orange crayfish and swaying kelp. I also saw spotties and snapper swimming. Cleo stood up and took her turn as she spoke. I wanted to disappear as she stopped speaking all the kina stood up and started dancing to bad to the bone and making silly faces to te kakano. Then they sat down. Cleo stopped speaking and came to sit down I felt like I was going to puke as I walked to the front of the stage. My legs turned to jelly. I started speaking at first I said the wrong thing. I hope no one noticed as my speaking
part was done I took a sigh of relief. The narrators stood up to speak. I just realised I had one more speaking part to do. At the end of the play I said my part and then everyone started to dance to the song happy.
Liv that is cool
ReplyDeletegood jod liv I love it so much